Monday, September 26, 2011

Grandma says my training worked magic

This weekend was jam packed with soccer. I coached back to back games. Then, after the second game I sprinted over to watch one of my Dynamic Soccer Players take the field.

Everyone was a bit nervous since Lindsey hadn’t played competitively in over two years. In the past, she wasn’t the “Go Get em” type on the field. She’d lay back and kick the ball when it came to her. But never really attacked with the ball or stood attackers up when she was defending.

But I knew that this time she was going to be a different player.

It was amazing… right from the first whistle Lindsey was mixing it up against bigger, faster, stronger players. She was controlling the ball and exploding past defenders. From the midfield she was seeing the entire field and setting up her teammates for scoring opportunities.

She was a whole different player. She exuded confidence in her own ability.

I am very proud of her performance.

During and after the game I asked Grandma how she thought my Dynamic Soccer Player was performing… she said more than once, “This is the best I’ve ever seen Lindsey play. Your training worked magic in her.”

I’m very proud to receive such high praise about my training and I’m looking forward to seeing Lindsey get even better results in the future.

BTW, on Friday Oct 7, I’m kicking off my New and Improved “Dynamic Soccer Player” training program. This program is four power-packed training sessions designed to eliminate mental blocks, drastically increase your ball control, and give you endless endurance.

I’m sorry but it’s only for players ages 9-13 and space is limited. So if you want to join me and become a confident soccer star like Lindsey here’s how you can join.

Click the link and double click the Recreation Class Registration tab.

See you on the field,

Coach Nolan

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pre-Game Jitters Dissappear

Last summer I was training a group of students outside my house.
We had 15 minutes left in the session when a neighbor boy, Kevin,
came running to see what we were doing.

When Kevin, got to us he tried to say "Hi" but couldn't.

He was hunched over gasping for air. I asked him if he was ok
or needed any help. In between gasps he said, "My asthma is acting up."

Seeing he needed some attention I helped him by having him stand in
a posture that would relax his body and guided him through a few deep
belly breaths.

Within 90 seconds his breathing was back to normal. He thanked me
as I reminded him, "Any time your asthma acts up, stand the way I showed
you and do the breathing we just did. Ok?!"

He put his head down and said, "ok. I hate this asthma -- I wish I could
get rid of it. But my doctor said it'll never go away."

I love when doctors discourage young kids. (sarcasm)

So I asked Kevin, "Hey Kev, do you want me to show you how to get rid of this dumb asthma -- Forever?"

He smiled and yelled, "Please, Yes!!!"

I worked with him for 20 minutes giving him detailed breathing exercises to follow.
He is such a stud student, he followed my advice to the letter.

And the next morning we saw Kevin sprinting from his house to join us for our training.
Everyone looked worried he was going to be out of breath, but he squashed those worries.

With a clear, loud voice Kev yelled, "Hi Guys!" For the first time in 4 years Kevin wasn't hunched over gasping for air after a short sprint. His asthma was gone...

Here's the thing -- the specific breating exercises I taught Keven are also the same exercises I teach my soccer students to make pre-game jitters disappear. These ancient breathing exercises push negativity and fear out of the lungs. They expand and clear your wind pipe and release any anxiety you have stored within you.

So believe me now -- it's time to stop letting fear and anxiety give you pre-game jitters. Stop suffering.

It's time to take control and give your kids the confidence that lasts.

I'm gonna teach these breathing exercises at my next training session. Why don't you grab a spot so your young soccer player will never again have to start a game with pre-game jitters.

All the Best,

Coach Nolan

PS You can get the details on my next training session by sending me an email at Train hard!