Monday, December 26, 2011

The 3 Habits of Great Goal Scorers

The 3 Habits of Great Goal Scorers

Hi Friend,

Last week I was talking with an experienced Danish soccer player...He's always willing to offer some helpful secrets.

We started talking and we came up with 3 habits that great goal scorers like Pele, Maradona, Messi, and Donovan all have.

I guarantee these 3 habits will help you start putting more balls in the back of the net.

1. REMEMBER goals you've scored before. Does it sound difficult?
It's really not. Even if you this is your first season. You can remember goals you’ve scored against your mom, dad, brother, sister, neighbor or even the dog. The key is to relive the experience and it’s proven you will score more goals.

2. No whining. No complaining. No excuses. Don’t waste your energy. Instead FOCUS your attention on the result you want.

3. Practice more than anyone else.

Great goal scorers don't just practice 2 - 3 times a week. They find a way to put in more time than anyone else. I used to set up obstacles in my living room. The coffee table was a midfielder. My dad’s recliner was a center defender. Be creative!

These 3 habits catapulted me from nine goals one season to 21 the next. The pros use them too. So I guarantee they will help you too.

In fact, I’ve taught these three Golden Rules to all my students over the last five years. And the results I’ve gotten have been phenomenal.

It’s been truly amazing to me how all of the sudden player end up in the right place at the right time to score game winning goals.

As a bonus side effect these three habits also obliterate the “I Can’t” attitude. It’s like a light switch gets turned on and an “I CAN” attitude takes over.

I’ve watched players who were previously playing half a game put 1-2 balls in the net each game.

By focusing and using your imagination creatively success becomes a habit.

Wishing you skills and confidence,

Nolan Berentis

P.S. I take these 3 habits to a whole new level in my Gold Medal Training Program… make sure you grab your spot

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