Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Top 7 Ways to Scoring Easy Goals (Continued)

Top 7 Ways to Scoring Easy Goals (Continued)

Welcome Back,

Yesterday I revealed 4 Ways your youngster can score more goals.

In case you need a reminder, here’s a recap of yesterdays fantastic four.

1 – Develop Hypnotic footwork.

2 – Become the Energizer Rabbit

3 – Feed them ‘bread and butter’

4 – Relentless pursuit

And guess what? Here’s three more goal scoring winners for your kid to use…I’d pay careful attention.

5 – Decapitate a Worm!

Can you imagine cracking a low worm burner that destroys and tears apart the back of the net?

Keepers, have a hard time moving side to side. They have an even harder time putting their mitts on a ball that has flames coming off its rear. And if they do put a paw on it, they’ll think twice next time.

Focus on decapitating a worm. You just may start scoring 2 and 3 goals a game.

6 – Attack the….

Find the slowest, laziest, sloppiest defender and cram that ball down her throat at least 4 times.

I don’t believe in holding anything back on the field. Play with emotion, passion, and strategy.

Then take advantage of your opponents weaknesses. That’s the way I played and the way I train.

So if you want to score more goals – ATTACK the weakest link.

Defenders and keepers will start to fear you and may even hide behind the goal.

7 – Belt Volley’s from this magic “Goal Scoring Zone”

When I was a youngster my coach brought a piece of string to practice. He laid it on the field and said, ‘This piece of string will help you score more goals”. I laughed out loud. He made me SPRINT a mile.

When I got back he glared directly at me and said, “Take all your shots from this stupid string.”

And guess what? He was right. I started scoring like crazy. But the secrets not in the string -- it’s where he placed the string.

Now it’s up to you apply the secrets I’ve revealed.

If you’re wanting to implement these amazing secrets so your child becomes a member of the goal scoring Hall of Fame, then here’s where you need to go to sign up for my next training session.

Keep practicing,


PS Through daily practice you have the opportunity reach your goals. Are you practicing today?

PPS Find out about the HUGE discount you’ll receive when two or more of you join my training together. Make the commitment and enroll NOW.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top 7 Ways to Score Easy Goals

Top 7 Ways to Score Easy Goals

Hi Friend,

This weekend I was watching movies of me playing soccer in my younger years.
I started wondering if your son or daughter could blast more balls
into the back of the net with these proven skills.

Here’s my Top 7 Ways to Score Easy Goals

1 – Develop Hypnotic footwork.

Toe Touches. Sounds too simple and basic, doesn’t it?
But performed correctly you’ll create super fast footwork that
hypnotizes defenders.

Nine times out of 10 you’ll freeze defenders just long enough to
accelerate and explode by them.
Giving you wide open space to crack a shot far post.

2 – Become the Energizer Rabbit

Speed is important. But no matter how fast you are… if you stand
still, you will not score.
Get off your duff and start moving. Remember the energizer rabbit;
he’s always moving, turning circles, beating the drum. You never know
which way he’s going to turn, do you?

And that’s exactly what defenders will be doing. WONDERING! Where’s he
gonna go next?

By the time defenders figure it out you will have already slipped by
them striking a volley into the upper corner.

3 – Feed them ‘bread and butter’

Many greats in all sports believe:

“You only need a single move that nobody can stop.
One move that takes you all the way to the top.
That one move will be your bread-and-butter move.”

70% of the goals I scored were set up by ONE skill.
My “bread and butter” move. Even though the defender knew it was
coming, they still couldn’t stop me.

Find one skill that works; practice it 108 times each day.
Then feed defenders your bread and butter move and watch
them fall on their butts while you score another goal.

4 – Relentless pursuit

If you simply want to score easy goals;
CHARGE the keeper. Most keepers are not vacuum cleaners.

They don’t suck up every shot.

Under pressure they are much more likely to bobble and fumble
even the weakest shots. Make it a habit to charge the keeper with
passion and enthusiasm, you’ll be sure to score more goals.

Well that’s all for today… Tune in tomorrow to get three more skills
you can use to score easy goals!

Keep practicing,

Nolan R. Berentis

PS Last week a tournament coach said this about my 6 week training
program. “From pre-game prep to post game analysis, Nolan has supplied
our daughter with the confidence to compete at a high level with a
positive teaching approach.”

I’m willing to bet your son or daughter can get the same results.
Sign up today!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is Praise Sabotaging Your Childs Skill?

Is Praise Sabotaging Your Childs Skill?

Hi Friend,

If you’ve watched professional sports you know its extremely rare a coach will give constant and continuous praise to his players. His purpose is to motivate, inspire, set clear goals and give constructive criticism so each player performs at the top of their game.

I’ve found, youngsters who struggle in sports regularly receive praise for their actions when it’s not deserved. This weekend was a perfect example.

Imagine you were sitting comfortably in a chair on a beautiful soccer field. Two high quality teams were poised and ready to square off for the Championship.

The whistle blows and the ball is played to the sideline. Player one is standing all alone and clumsily slides to her right to receive the ball. The ball bounces off her foot and out of bounds. A completely unforced mistake.

Immediately a group of parents chant over and over, “Good job!”

Almost instantly the opposing team sprints to the sideline, grabs the ball, and throws it in. Within seconds the field is reversed and Player 2 is attacking the goal. She mesmerizes defenders with her footwork. Just when the defender thinks she has the ball, Player 1 performs the “Matthews” and accelerates by the defender. She perfectly places the ball and cracks a shot far post.


Her teammates surround her at midfield, patting her on the back. Parents shout “YEEEAAAHHH” as they jump up and down on the sideline. Coaches give her the thumbs up and say “Great job, get back in there and do it again.”

What happened to Player 1?

She lowered her head and slowly walked back to midfield. It looked like she was trying to make herself invisible. During the rest of the game Player 1 made mistake after mistake. And each time she blundered, parents and coaches showered her with comments of “Way to go!”, "You're doing great."

I'm sorry, but it's not OK. She wasn't doing GREAT! Not at this level or any other level. And you could see deep inside Player 1 knew she didn’t deserve the praise. So each time she made a mistake her confidence plummeted further and further.

Unfortunately the norm today is to praise kids even when they suck. It’s as if parents and coaches are teaching from a manual titled, “Just Show Up and We’ll Tell You You Did Great”.

Don’t get me wrong… when I train and coach, I give credit where credit is due.

But, I also am the first one to point out when a mistake is made and how to correct it.

Accomplishing great things on the soccer field has more to do with dedication, discipline, and devotion than it does with praise. Praise is not the end all be all when it comes to elevating your game to the next level.

If you want your youngster to learn from their mistakes and become a better soccer player, and this is the key – she absolutely has to develop the “Mistake Maker, Mistake Breaker” mindset.

With this mindset she’ll have the ‘Difference Maker’. Learning and growing from every experience will become her foundation. Frustration, mediocrity, and failure become the launching pad to scoring more goals and improved performance.

Want your child to exude confidence, mesmerize defenders with her dribbling skills and score amazing goals?

Sprint to your phone and grab one of the last 4 memberships left in my 6 week training course. Get the training that shows your kid how to become a Mistake Breaker! (909) 610-0793.

Keep practicing,

Nolan R. Berentis


PS If you want your soccer skills to drastically improve you must get a coach that trains at a whole new energy level. I didn’t go from AYSO scrub to college starter by hanging out with aches who gave me unnecessary praise.

Reserve your membership TODAY!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Do You Have the Attitude to BE a Great Goal Scorer?

Do You Have the Attitude to BE a Great Goal Scorer?

Hi Friend,

This weekend I made the trek out to Riverside to watch a Spring Tournament.
I saw some amazing players and mind boggling goals.

There were three goals that really made me say WOW!

Number 1. A 10 year old girl playing center defense took off from just behind midfield. As the ball rolled toward her she saw a striker running full speed at her. She sprinted toward the ball and put a huge foot on it. That ball sailed 30 feet in the air. Every player on the field watched in amazement.

To her surprise (and the goalies) her gigantic kick turned into a shot on goal. The goalie tried to backpedal and put a paw on the ball but it was too late. The ball sailed over her hands and into the net.

Goal number 2. Right after half time the center striker took a hip shot and was knocked off the ball and onto her side. Mr. Referee blew his whistle and give her team a direct kick. I saw they were about 30 yards from the goal so I expected a chip into the box from the center defender. To my surprise she launched a rocket at the far post. Even the opposing goalie was surprised. The nimble goalie scrambled to her right and leaped up to grab the ball out of the air. No GOAL!

With less than two minutes to go, the game was tied when Deja Vu struck. Again the center striker was knocked off the ball and the referee gave a direct kick. From the identical spot on the field.

I watched the center defender take dead aim. She added a half step to her approach and launched a shot at the far post. The ball was the perfect height, speed, distance and angle. This time the goalie didn't have a chance. The ball sailed into the back of the net.

Goal number 3 came on the field behind me. Parents were screaming and chanting LUCAS, LUCAS, LUCAS. I couldn't ignore it so I turned around to see what all the hooplah was about. His skill was amazing to say the least. Dribbling in and out of defenders. Perfectly playing wall passes to his teammates. Always calling for the ball and looking for open space.

When half time started he immediately played the ball back to his defender. Like a rocket he bolted down the middle of the field. At the 18 yard line he stopped, received the pass on his chest with his back to the goal. In one smooth motion he turned to his left and cracked a volley in the far post. Upper corner. It took less than 15 seconds and was a thing of beauty.

Obviously putting the ball in the back of the net takes skill. It's an art. Some players have it, some don't.

What makes these three goal scorer's different?

One thing... BELIEF in their own abilities!

If you want to be an exciting goal scorer you have to believe in yourself. Belief transforms into expectation. When you expect to score goals you WILL.

Each and every time you step on the field. Each and every time you touch the ball. You must have a deep BELIEF in yourself. This is the greatest skill you can learn and have. All great goal scorers have it in abundance.

So whats the difference in the three goals?

Goal number 1 was an accident. Goals number 2 and 3 were scored by players who are overflowing with belief in their own abilities. YOu could see deep in their eyes nothing is ever going to stop them from putting the ball in the back of the net.

Fortunately for you, belief can be created. And when you create and apply belief in yourself to the soccer field, WATCH OUT! You are guaranteed to become an amazing goal scoring machine.

Are you ready to become a great goal scorer?

Join me March 18 as I kick off 4 weeks of intensive Training on "How to Become a Great Goal Scorer". These four weeks are going to be filled with skills that create belief, dedication, devotion, and discipline to scoring goals. When I'm done with you everyone will be talking about the incredible goals you score.

Wishing you Confidence and Skill,


PS Listen to me now and believe me later. Do not miss this training. If you miss it you are going to miss out on what it feels like to be a legendary goal scorer. Get this once in a lifetime training TODAY! Email me at for all the details.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Bienvenidos Amigo,

Have you ever walked on the soccer field supremely confident? And 20 seconds after the first whistle blows wondered where your confidence went?

Without realizing it you could be destroying your confidence and letting fear dictate how you play the game.

I’ve learned there are two types of soccer players.


Competent players can play the game. But usually let fear determine their level of success.

Two practices a week with your regular team will almost always make you a COMPETENT player.

CONFIDENT players have a totally different attitude. As soon as they walk on the field the coaches and other players start to say “Oh no, we’re playing Hannah today! What do we have to do to stop her? She’s soooo good!”

When you learn the physical and mental skills necessary to develop this type of confidence here are some of the results you will see:

o You’ll be consistently dribbling around and through defenders

o You’ll be setting up teammates for amazing goals

o You’ll be pounding shots into the back of the net

I willing to bet you’ll agree this type of confidence is the most valuable skill you can master.

Let your confidence launch you to great results on the field.

Wishing You Confidence and Skill,

“Sensei” Nolan

P.S. If you are wondering how you can build and master CONFIDENCE, you can see for yourself March 4, when I launch my all-new Elite Soccer Superstars Inner Circle.

This one is HUGE – and since March is my birthday month I’m giving you an unbelievable special.

It will only run for a week at most – and there will be bonuses available for those who are first in line.

Sprint to your inbox and email me to get the details!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are You Ready for Spring Soccer?

Are You Ready for Spring Soccer?

Hi Friend,

Here in the US of A the Fall season ended. And some parents were extremely disappointed when their child did not make the Spring Select Team (aka The “Tournament Team”).

For those kids that made the Spring team, my CONGRATULATIONS go out to you. Your hard work, dedication, and practice really paid off. Keep it up!

For those that didn’t make the team, I know exactly how you feel. When I was 9 I had what I considered to be a breakthrough season worthy of being selected to the Spring Team.

I was amped to get the call. Each night I rushed to finish my homework, and rushed to eat my dinner. Then I sat and waited by the phone. I wanted that call from the coach so bad I could taste it.

But after a week I started to get disappointed. By day 10 I was down right angry.

“How dare that coach not pick me! He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. His loss not mine!”

Twas not a good feeling.

Fortunately I didn’t hold on to that feeling for too long. IN fact it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.


Because I learned regardless whether some coach thinks I’m good enough to make the tournament team I can still choose to practice, play and improve my mental and physical skills at the game I love.

Regardless that I failed to make this tournament team, it doesn’t mean “I’m a failure”.

Despite failures and setbacks we can still pick ourselves up and move on to better days.

And there’s no better way to show you how to do this than my “Elite Soccer Superstars” training system.

All of us need a map, GPS and a path that teaches you how to use failure to launch you into success.

Mastery of soccer requires new skills, new thinking, new ways of picturing and new ways of doing.

And that’s why every week I train Elite Soccer Players in 4 areas that give them all the tools to become Elite Superstars on the field.

This training will teach your child what coaches and parents don’t know. Without a doubt it’ll teach your child exactly what she needs to know if she is ever going to make the Tournament team.

Are you ready for your child to make the Tournament Team? Then reserve your space today.

Wishing You Confidence and Skill,


P.S. Lock in your spot NOW and I’ll throw in a copy of “How to Warm Up So You Score First” – which will help you become a goal scoring hero from the first whistle.

You’ll definitely want to have this – and I’ve only got a few copies left – so make the decision to be a confident soccer player NOW.