Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are You Hitting Your Training Goals?

This is an important question almost no one asks.

Are you hitting your training goals?

If you are, GREAT, keep doing what you're doing.  If not, then something holding you back needs to be identified and released.

Every coach and trainer promises you will increase your speed, get better ball control, and you'll become a goal scorer.  The worst trainers think it is a long slow process that is hard to learn.

Let's look at 4 different problems that can be blocking you from hitting your goals.

1.  Unclear goals

If you are not crystal clear on what our goal is from the beginning you are going to have a hard time hitting them.  The mind is like the GPS in your car -- if you don't give the specific address, place, or landmark, you could drive for days and never get where you want to go.

And if you do have goals...you must  take the time to write them down.

That one action of writing down your goal is a crucial part of all successful players and people in the world.  It's almost like magic.

2.  Poor training

If you only practice when and what your coach gives you (at practice) you will never develop the confidence and ability you deserve to have.

Ask yourself this -- "If I only do the skills and drills my team does how will I ever separate myself from the pack?"

You won't!

It boils down to your desire to go beyond the status quo, being average, and committing to a progressive training system that shocks you out of your current limiting mindset, and plants the seed of a champions mindset.

3.  Lack of focus

I struggle with this one.  It's not that I can't focus - its that I tend to want to do too much and spread my focus too thin.  We are designed to focus on one thing at a time -- to feed our brain one goal at a time - work hard - accomplish the goal - then set a new goal.

Don't get me wrong - you should have multiple goals but you should also decide which one is most important and serves you best.  Focus on that one and get it done.  Don't be surprised when you do follow this rule that you achieve some of your other goals without ever thinking about it.

4.  Lack of consistency

All of the focus in the world won't help you if you move on to a new task to quickly.

It's called creating the habit of looking for the shiny object.  You get distracted easily and stop doing what's working to try the newest, latest, and greatest thing to hit the market.  

The secret is to find a good solid program that pushes you - a coach/trainer that believes in you, inspires you, challenges you, and helps you stick with it for 3, 6, 12 months.

If you work on these 4 tips during 2013 I'll bet you dollars to donuts you'll hit your training goals and eliminate 90% of the things holding you back.

Now it's time too find out what what is holding you back and what you re made of?

Go ahead- send me an email telling me what you're going to do in 2013.  When you send me an email you and a friend can get a complimentary goal setting consultation and training evaluation.

Play with Passion!

Coach Nolan

PS  I believe when you decide to put in the hard work in a proven system you are practicing the "Right Thinking" leg of my "Training Triangle".  It's the fastest way to develop dribbling quickness, ball control and blistering shots.

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