Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How Do you use mistakes and Setbacks to achieve success?

One of my favorite coaches just won a CIF Championship and he has a great secret to success he tells
his players.

The secret is only two words. And the cool thing is once you hear
these two words youll never forget them.

These two words can be used to program your mind to overcome
adversity, mistakes and setbacks instantly!

Since I learned these secret two words a few years ago I've been
teaching them to all my students in my training programs

These two words also have an amazing effect on players that try to
be perfect. If your child is afraid to make mistakes these two
words could literally be the game changer.

The two words are:

"Setback - COMEBACK!"

These two words are very powerful just by themselves. But by
themselves they only lead you to success about half the time.


The reason is - its impossible to program yourself for success
while you are constantly thinking negative thoughts.

That's why kids who make a bad play, get upset, make a mistake or
get angry on the field have a hard time focusing and getting back
in the game!

The key thing is to reverse the mental state before installing the
phrase Setback - COMEBACK.

That way you don't stay stuck where you are. That way you
eliminate negativity in advance. That way you open yourself to the
possibility of success.

The easiest way to eliminate negativity is through the deep
breathing exercises I teach. When you do the energy reverses,
starts to flow and everything starts to go your way. You literally
get the ball rolling on the road toward success.

Then you can add in the secret two word phrase.

Next month I'll be teaching players in my Silver Medal program a
powerful breathing exercise that eliminates negative thoughts and
fear of making mistakes.

Then we will focus on installing the phrase "Setback - COMEBACK" in
an amazingly powerful way.

Other players I've taught this system have made tremendous strides
with their game. They have started achieving amazing success on
the field after only one training session.

If you're looking for ways for your child to overcome setbacks and
mistakes on the field enroll in my Silver Medal Training Program

See you on the field,

Coach Nolan

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Arrival to the Berentis Team!


This weekend was pretty exciting for me and my family. We were blessed with a new addition.

Yep, at 1047am on January 21, 2012 my third son arrived. Mayson Reed Berentis is finally here.

The nurses all commented on how strong Maysons legs are. They had a hard time holding them down when they needed to.

Looks like we've got a future soccer player on our hands.

Anyway, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers over the weekend. An thank you for your patience and understanding about the limited training schedule during January.

I'll be sending out an email later this week that describes my available training schedule. I'd jump on the times that are best for you. I'm looking forward to training your youngster over the next few weeks.

Until then keep practicing at home!


Coach Nolan

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Special offer: You can add a partner to any new coaching program

Ready to take the New Year by the horns? Here we are almost two
weeks into January and I'm wondering how much success your child
wants to achieve on the field in 2012?

My only question is are you ready to take the next step? Are you
ready to help your youngster pursue the game at the next level?

If so I'm presenting a special offer to help you get going on the
right foot! Enroll right now for any of my "Gold", "Silver", or
"How to Fake Defenders out of Their Cleats" training programs and
you can add a teammate to your program for only $35!

There is no better time to start practicing and preparing both
physically and mentally for the next season. AND with this special
offer you have the opportunity to share your success on the field
with another player of your choice. You can:

Add a brother...
Add a sister...
Get a teammate to join you...
Add a friend...

For only $35 each!

Imagine the confidence and skill the two of you will have when you
both train towards success together.

Many players take amazing strides when they work with a trainer and
are motivated by the competition of a partner.

Whatever your choice is - I encourage you to take advantage of this
special offer. If you respond by 1-20-2012, you can add up to two
players of your choice to your coaching program for only $35 Each.

If you have been waiting to take that first step, this is your time.

Email me to jump on this before enrollment is closed and all the
spots are gone.

Let's make 2012 a fantastic year of soccer!

Coach Nolan

Ps. January is also my Kick Off the Soccer Season Special. All of my training programs are
20% off. Plus, when you are one of the first 3 to enroll I'm going to toss in 2
Free months of my Inner Circle Training Membership for you and your
training partner(s).

The only way to get started is to send me an email and enroll now.
Are you ready?

What makes a Winner?

Today I got an awesome email from my friend. He lives in Colorado
so he was relaying his excitement from the Denver Broncos win over
the Steelers last weekend.

Two lines he wrote really grabbed me...

1. "Tim Tebows a winner because he has the mindset of a winner,
and he takes the actions of a winner."

2. "The first person who has to believe in what you have to say is

Those two messages are so crucial. I am constantly reminding my
players how to apply them. Each week in my Silver Medal training
system we cover how to systematically build a winners mindset.

This program will do you a world of good this year and beyond.

If you're looking for a foolproof system that simultaneously builds
skill,strength, endurance and confidence on the field I have very
good news for you.

To kick off January 2012 I am re-opening enrollment in my Silver Medal
Training Program.

Latch on to one of the 3 spots before they disappear. When you are
one of the first 3 to enroll you will also get my New Years Kick
Off special (20% Savings)!


Coach Nolan

Ps I'm also throwing in a 2 month membership to my monthly Inner
Circle when you are one of the first 3 to sign up for my Silver
Medal program. As an Inner Circle Member you receive a monthly
training DVD in the mail so you can practice your skills again and
again from the comfort of your own home! ($69.90 value)

Grab this offer now...get over 4 hours of top-notch instruction,
Receive 2 months membership in my Inner Circle, save over $117
and begin building a WINNERS mindset.
Nolan R. Berentis
"Coach Nolan"

What are we feeding our kids?

Before I get to today's "food for thought"... you know i believe
its super important to start the game super confident. Same is to
be said for kicking the New Year off right!

So from now until 11:59pm on Jan 22, 2012 I'm giving you my "Kick
Off" special. All of my training programs will be discounted.

Tomorrow I'll release the precise details so be on the look out for
that newsletter. But if you want to take off before the whistle
blows shoot me an email and I'll get back to you with the details.

On to today's message:

What are we feeding our kids?

This question does pertain to the food we give our kids but today
I'm really discussing the mental food we feed our youngsters.

You know:

The thoughts
Words of encouragement or discouragement
And so on...

In my experience there are 3 things every parent and coach MUST

1. Limits can be established only by YOURSELF. So fear not...
You can't establish a limit on me, I have to accept your beliefs
before it becomes my limit.
2. The limits and expectations we believe we have help form our
self image.
3. Each of us is equipped with an impersonal goal striving mechanism. Whether
we are positive or negative depends on what we program into our
goal striving mechanism.

Heres a real example I've experienced time and time again.

Tell one player he can score 2 goals today and he gets enthused and
focused. Another player hears the same goal and tries to hide
behind the corner flag.

Why the different response?
The goal was impersonal.

The two different reactions occurred because each player has
established beliefs within themselves. Player A has formed an "I
Can" self image. Player B formed their very own "I Can't" self

Another way of stating it is... Over the years he/she has mentally
taken in their life experiences and decided "I can do that" or "No
way, not going to happen!"

Parents, grand-parents, teachers, coaches, that consistently
supply feelings of positive goals and mental pictures of success
to kids get "I CAN" responses 95% of the time.

On the other end give a youngster mental pictures of mistakes are
bad, perfection is the only way, doubt, worry, fear of injury and
more than likely you get a less than confident timid player who wants
to run and hide when things get tough or even worse quit!

There is nothing more important to me in my training than helping a
player establish a realistic self image. In fact the foundation of
my "Gold", "Silver", and "How to Fake Defenders Out of their
Cleats" training programs all begin with building an improved self image.

The reason I start with the self image is for ONE reason only.

I want to feed your child a new perspective on what is possible for
him or her.

I hope I can be if assistance to you and your soccer player this
year. I fully expect 2012 to be amazing both on the soccer field
and off.

I've got a ton of projects coming down the shoot for improving your
youngsters self image, confidence, skill, endurance and strength.

And Let's remind ourselves to feed our kids positive goals, help
them rise above their limitations and build super confident self

Happy Belated New Year!

Coach Nolan