Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are You Ready for Spring Soccer?

Are You Ready for Spring Soccer?

Hi Friend,

Here in the US of A the Fall season ended. And some parents were extremely disappointed when their child did not make the Spring Select Team (aka The “Tournament Team”).

For those kids that made the Spring team, my CONGRATULATIONS go out to you. Your hard work, dedication, and practice really paid off. Keep it up!

For those that didn’t make the team, I know exactly how you feel. When I was 9 I had what I considered to be a breakthrough season worthy of being selected to the Spring Team.

I was amped to get the call. Each night I rushed to finish my homework, and rushed to eat my dinner. Then I sat and waited by the phone. I wanted that call from the coach so bad I could taste it.

But after a week I started to get disappointed. By day 10 I was down right angry.

“How dare that coach not pick me! He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. His loss not mine!”

Twas not a good feeling.

Fortunately I didn’t hold on to that feeling for too long. IN fact it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.


Because I learned regardless whether some coach thinks I’m good enough to make the tournament team I can still choose to practice, play and improve my mental and physical skills at the game I love.

Regardless that I failed to make this tournament team, it doesn’t mean “I’m a failure”.

Despite failures and setbacks we can still pick ourselves up and move on to better days.

And there’s no better way to show you how to do this than my “Elite Soccer Superstars” training system.

All of us need a map, GPS and a path that teaches you how to use failure to launch you into success.

Mastery of soccer requires new skills, new thinking, new ways of picturing and new ways of doing.

And that’s why every week I train Elite Soccer Players in 4 areas that give them all the tools to become Elite Superstars on the field.

This training will teach your child what coaches and parents don’t know. Without a doubt it’ll teach your child exactly what she needs to know if she is ever going to make the Tournament team.

Are you ready for your child to make the Tournament Team? Then reserve your space today. nberentis@gmail.com

Wishing You Confidence and Skill,


P.S. Lock in your spot NOW and I’ll throw in a copy of “How to Warm Up So You Score First” – which will help you become a goal scoring hero from the first whistle.

You’ll definitely want to have this – and I’ve only got a few copies left – so make the decision to be a confident soccer player NOW. nberentis@gmail.com

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Secret Advice from a High School Sports Expert

Hi Friend,

A few weeks ago I had the priveledge of speaking with a High School Sports expert.
He's has 30 successful years in the business, been named Athletic Director of the Year,
and sits on countless boards to help improve the lives of high school scholar athletes.

And today I'd like to give you a piece of his wisdom.

First, he said that a lot of soccer players play year round.
Especially when it comes to club teams. Unfortunately,
most club soccer coaches (there are alyways exceptions to the rule)
only care about one thing. And it's not your daughter.

So here you are forking out your hard earned dough for an expert coach 3-5 days a week.
Yet 90+% of these expert coaches, especially girls teams, forget the most
important part of a successful team.

Healthy players who love the game.

Pro's have two things youth players typically don't.
An off season and a strength training program.

Lets focus on the latter.

My Expert went on to say:

"Most injuries occur because all the girls do is play. They never
take into account any strength training. This is a major reason
why they get injured often and take a long time to recover."

Hearing him say that made my day. I've been screaming from
the roof tops that physical strength and flexibility is one of the
4 pillars of a successful soccer player.

Now I'm not a fan of lifting weights. Weight training is not what I
suggest, especially for young players. Actually, I haven't lifted
a barbell in over 5 years. And I'm physically and mentally stronger
and healthier than I've ever been .

What I found was that the finest and fittest athletes of all time
all had one thing in common.

Body weight exercises.

That's why I've developed my "Elite Soccer Players Training System"
to include natural body weight exercises that create incredible strength,
phenomenal flexibility, and fantastic body awareness and control.

Not to mention the side effects you'll receive like brialliant skills,
sensational speed, and everlasting endurance.

The fastest way to become a goal scoring hero is to get started today
training like an Elite Soccer Player. nberentis@gmail.com

Wishing you Confidence and Skill,


How to Train in the Rain!

How to Train in the Rain!

HI Friend,

I'm sitting in the living room watching this relentless downpour
of rain fall outside. It seems like it's been raining non-stop for a week now.

Both the backyard and the front yard are flooded. I called the
field hotline and they expect to be closed all week.

So like you, I'm wondering what am I gonna do to get my training in?

I came up with 3 options. Let me know what you think is the best.

1. Rent an indoor facility. You will stay dry but chances are it's gonna cost you.
2. Don't train at all. Bad idea if you ask me.
3. Hire your dad to move some furniture.

Okay, maybe you don't have to hire dad, but maybe you can convince him to
move a chair or two. Tell him you'll clean your room or take out the trash.
Whatever it takes to get permission and a small space in the living room
so you can knock out the following training session.

Start with the Unbeatable Warm Up like I teach to all my Elite Soccer Players.
This warm up guarantees you get the blood flowing, the energy moving,
and will create a laser like focus for you training session.

Once you've finished you'll need to start with 30 seconds of high knees.
Make sure you've got a stop watch to time yourself. For your second set
do as many as you can in 30 seconds. Then as many as you can in 45 seconds.

Follow it up with as many toe touches and ball shuffles as you can do in 1 minute.
Finish it off with 3 sets of Hindu Squats, 3 sets of Hindu Push ups, and 3 sets of
Table makers.

You'll be huffin and puffin in a good way.

Now you might think you need a big ole field to get a kick butt
training session. But the reality is you don't.
Never let anything stop you from becoming a better soccer player.

Wishing you Confidence and Skill,


PS Next weeks training marks the start of the 2010 training session.
I'm gonna let the cat out of the bag on some new skills that will transform
doubt and frustration into confidence.

Be sure you get a front row seat. nberentis@gmail.com

PPS I'm only accepting a select few and it looks like there's only 2 spots remaining.
Better grab your spot before someone else does. nberentis@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Three Secrets to Scoring More Goals

Hi Friend,

Last nights’ semi-final matches really got my coaching and training juices flowing. I saw some amazing cuts, skill, and confidence from some Elite Players.

So figured I give you three of my most prized secrets to Scoring More Goals.

Here we go:

1. “I’ve never scored a goal on a shot I didn’t take.”

You’ve got to shoot to score. The more balls you kick on goal (or on frame) the more chances you have of it rolling past the line and into the back of the net.

2. Keep the ball down and aim for the corners.

Evening and morning games always make it hard for keepers to stop powerful first shots.


The wet field makes it difficult for keepers to move laterally (side to side). Not the mention the ball skips and travels with more speed.

Strike the ball with confidence toward the posts and you’re sure to be celebrating with more GOOOAAAAALLLLLSSS!!!!

3. Crash the net!

Like I said, the field and ball are wet. That’s a recipe for more rebounds off the goal keeper. Whether you are the shooter or another attacker; be sure you crash the goal after a shot. You’ll find yourself with triple the opportunities to score.

Use these three secrets and you are well on your way to scoring more goals. Well, that’s all for today!

Wishing You Confidence and Skill,


P.S. Hey wait a second. Have you secured your spot in my Elite Soccer Players Member’s Only Group?

It’s the fastest, most effective way to gain the strength, power, speed, and skill you need to IMMEDIATELY see successful results on the field.

Sprint on over to nberentis@gmail.com to secure your child’s spot at my next training session.

How to Handle A Devastating Loss

Hi Friend,

Last night four powerhouse teams took the field in an all out battle to secure two spots in the Championship.

These U-10 Girls really put on an exciting soccer show. I’ve never seen so much skill, hustle, and determination displayed by a group of 10 year olds.

First I saw strikers split the defense. Using outside cuts and quick feet to accelerate past defenders.

Then the defense stepped it up and played the angles. Shutting down top players and clearing the ball with power and accuracy.

The energy on the field was amazing. You could tell a few players were feeling it. There was a shimmy in their game.

When the final whistle blew, just like always, there was excitement and joy on one side of the field and sadness and tears on the other.

Unfortunately, two teams ended their season last night. But, just because the season is over doesn’t mean the learning stops.

I believe each individual player that lost last night has the juice inside to overcome this devastating loss.

And it showed.

Every player who lost last night walked off the field confidently with their head held high. It was a surprising and tremendous sight to see and feel. Much more than I expected to see from 10 year olds.

Congratulations to all the players for leaving it all on the field and I’m looking forward to watching a successful Spring Season.

Wishing You Confidence and Skill,


P.S. Remember my friend, “There is no disadvantage in the world you cannot turn into an advantage.” Matt Furey.