Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to Train in the Rain!

How to Train in the Rain!

HI Friend,

I'm sitting in the living room watching this relentless downpour
of rain fall outside. It seems like it's been raining non-stop for a week now.

Both the backyard and the front yard are flooded. I called the
field hotline and they expect to be closed all week.

So like you, I'm wondering what am I gonna do to get my training in?

I came up with 3 options. Let me know what you think is the best.

1. Rent an indoor facility. You will stay dry but chances are it's gonna cost you.
2. Don't train at all. Bad idea if you ask me.
3. Hire your dad to move some furniture.

Okay, maybe you don't have to hire dad, but maybe you can convince him to
move a chair or two. Tell him you'll clean your room or take out the trash.
Whatever it takes to get permission and a small space in the living room
so you can knock out the following training session.

Start with the Unbeatable Warm Up like I teach to all my Elite Soccer Players.
This warm up guarantees you get the blood flowing, the energy moving,
and will create a laser like focus for you training session.

Once you've finished you'll need to start with 30 seconds of high knees.
Make sure you've got a stop watch to time yourself. For your second set
do as many as you can in 30 seconds. Then as many as you can in 45 seconds.

Follow it up with as many toe touches and ball shuffles as you can do in 1 minute.
Finish it off with 3 sets of Hindu Squats, 3 sets of Hindu Push ups, and 3 sets of
Table makers.

You'll be huffin and puffin in a good way.

Now you might think you need a big ole field to get a kick butt
training session. But the reality is you don't.
Never let anything stop you from becoming a better soccer player.

Wishing you Confidence and Skill,


PS Next weeks training marks the start of the 2010 training session.
I'm gonna let the cat out of the bag on some new skills that will transform
doubt and frustration into confidence.

Be sure you get a front row seat.

PPS I'm only accepting a select few and it looks like there's only 2 spots remaining.
Better grab your spot before someone else does.

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