Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The 4 Biggest Mistakes When Shooting

Doing the wrong drills or doing the right drills in the
wrong way is a recipe for disaster. And I see the biggest
mistakes when players are training to increase their shooting power. 

Most players (and coaches for that matter) don't realize
these small mistakes can literally sabotage your shooting power.  

When I coach kids on increasing their shooting power
I'm constantly correcting their mindset and their technique.

So today I present to you the 4 biggest mistakes in shooting for power:

1. Bad angle - When players hear a coach ask them to shoot with
their laces they think they have to run straight at the ball. 

Taking a bad angle to shoot the ball is super common.  And its the biggest
culprit to limiting your shooting power. 
When looking to add additional power to your shots you want to think
and line up more like a field goal kicker... taking a better angle
will give you the set up you need to blast super powerful shots.

2. Poor Planting - While some players plant behind the ball (which limits your power)
others add an unnecessary hop or super long stride on their
last step to the ball making it impossible to plant the right way for maximum power.   

They mistakenly believe this is somehow going to help them add power.  

The secret is really to move smoothly to the ball and plant your
foot in front of the ball so you can generate the greatest force on your strike. 

3. Stopping - I see players constantly putting the brakes on when
taking their shots.  They run up to the ball, plant their foot,
and STOP their momentum as they kick!

Then they are frustrated when keepers have such an easy time knocking down
or catching their shots.  
Remember a body in motion creates momentum and momentum
is your key to increasing power!

4. Striking the wrong part of the ball - Kids teach themselves at a
young age that to kick the ball far they need to kick it up in the air.

Because they are so small they think the only way to get the ball up in the air is to sweep their leg from low to high and hit the bottom of the ball. 

And as they practice this method they build the muscle memory
they need to consistently kick the ball higher but also take mediocre and weak shots. 

This doesn't mean they will never score a goal - it just means
they will never generate the power they want in their shots to make a
keepers think twice about stopping their shots!

Unfortunately even advanced players make these mistakes when shooting
dead ball shots and on breakaways.  I see it all too often. 

But there is a better way.  And when you learn this way you'll become
advanced and much more powerful much quicker.

If you can avoid the mistakes listed above while using the supremely awesome mental techniques I teach at my 
Shooting for Power bootcamp your progress will come faster
and easier.
All the best,

Coach Nolan

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to Get Maximum Results on the Soccer Field

Want your child to experience lightning quick feet, amazing agility, great
ball control, and super shooting power during this soccer

If so,
I'd like to invite you to join me for 5 weeks of
training starting March 17....
where I'll be sharing specific
strategies, drills, and thinking techniques that
develop maximum
success on the field.

Get the details nberentis@gmail.com

Here are some of the highlights of what each player will learn:

    * The importance of strength, speed, and agility

    * Ball control that can mesmerize opponents

    *  Velocity on your shot that will make keepers freeze like a
deer caught in headlights

    *  The techniques for building bulletproof confidence

    *  Improved balance and fakes with the ball

    *  Increased acceleration so you leave defenders in the dust

And much much more.... all this is covered in my next group
training program!

Whether it's to develop speed,
quickness or better ball control this training
will get you there.

This program is definitely way under priced and when you look at
the 3 FREE bonuses you receive for making your choice now,
you'll be amazed.

Join me for this training... Get on the fast track and start
playing the game at your best!

Go get em,

Coach Nolan

Friday, February 1, 2013

Best Exercise for Ball Control

Best Exercise for Ball Control!

When it comes to ball control you'll 
find you are at best 
your best when you are completely confident in one or two moves.

At training I usually give kids the option to perform their 
favorite move.

I ask so what do you want to do?

At least 70% of the time I get a big smile and, "The Maradona!"

My response is almost always, "Ok... do you do that in the game?"

Player: "No!"

Me:  "What about practice?"

Player: 'No"

Me:  "Why not?"

Player: "It's really hard."

There are many fakes and feints you can practice and perform. 
When you practice them daily you can really improve your confidence
and use them automatically in your games. 

But I feel the best skills are the ones you are actually going to use in games adn pressure situations.  

That's why my favorite practice skill is called "baby v's". 

Players usually laugh at the name - but when they do the skill everyday they start to develop amazing ball control.  Plus their confidence skyrockets.  

The very act of performing baby v's every day increases 
the players ability to move the ball away from defenders in tight spaces. 

And when combined with
a quick turn and acceleration to open space
you make yourself
into a dangerous attacker.  

If you'd like to learn how to practice this 
wonderful exercise "baby v's" I'll be glad
to show you in a Complimentary Consulting session. 

Send your email now and I'll schedule your session asap.  nberentis@gmail.com

Practice hard!

Coach Nolan 

Never Give in and Never Give UP

Never Give In or Up

Years ago when my wfie and I first started dating she used to go
shoppong all the time.

I wanted to spend all my time with her so
even though I didn't like shoppping I'd ask to tag along.

My favorite shopping trips (sarcasm) were thoe search for shoes.

During one saturday excursion we visited 10 different stores,
called at least 4 other stres and I put about 200 miles on my car.

that day her shopping excursions became known as "The Great
Wild Goose Chase."

My wife was relentless - she never gave in.  She knew exactly what
shoes she wanted and she was
DETERMINED to get them.  She could not be deterred.  She would NOT

Over the years I've been able to identify in myself and others
the key elemennts of a "NEVER GIVE UP" attitude.

i've had great success developing a "NEVER GIVE UP"
attitude in players of all ages.

And this year I'm even more
committed to making that happen for
even more players.
That's why I've come up with a new
component in my training programs.

So I've decided to toss in the new component as a bonus gift
for players so they have a competitive edge.

In fact, I want you to start the next season with a "NEVER GIVE
UP' attitude
and end the season with the same level of energy and passion.

So if you are itching to see the "NEVER GIVE UP" attitude
in your child
and think that attitude is a crucial element to achieving more success on the
field in 2013
why don't you give them the gift of a complimentary training consultaiton NOW.

Sometimes it's a simple change in perspective that can catapult you
into playing at a much higher level.

Play with passion,

Coach Nolan
End Worry, Struggle and Blame on the Soccer Field

I've coached and played in hundreds of games - so I've had my share of bad ref's and calls that didn't go my way.

When your in the moment bad calls are frustrating.  And the easy thing to do is blame.  Its a normal response .

For example:

The ball clearly bounces off the other team out of bounds - yet the AR gives the throw-in to the other team.


The ref isn't calling any fouls even when the other team pulls you down from behind with both hands and takes the ball from you.

It's easy to get distracted and to start blaming the refs and opponents for things not going your way.  And chances are you are probably right.

But any time you divert your attention and focus from dribbling, passing and shooting - you will start to struggle.  Any time you choose to blame others you can almost guarantee you will start to make more mistakes.

Pretty soon your focus snowballs into how many mistakes you are making and you start to worry .

Blame is a poison... that only hurts yourself.  The more you blame others - the more YOU suffer

Fortunately the antidote to blame is to decide that you want to build internal confidence and dump the poisonous blame into the toilet.

Recently one of my teams got blown out in the 2nd half.  They lost big time.  And I could here some of the players blaming everyone else and taking no responsibility for their effort.

I had to change the focus... and FAST!

So I decided to change the warm up for our next game.  Instead of going through our regular drills I focused on one drill.  For 20 minutes all we focused on, talked about, and did was work on being first to the ball.

Then I took our focus to the next level.

We needed a simple tool we could use that would remind us to double our energy up and to be first to the ball.  We used tugging on our ear as our physical trigger and reminder to get to the ball first.

Any time we were lagging I would get their attention and tug on my ear.  Immediately the girls would tug their own ear and double their effort to the ball.

Pretty soon everyone on the team was reminding each other to be 1st to the ball.

The next 2 games were amazing!  We dominated control of the ball for over 90% of the time in both games.  We played 95% of the game on the opponents side of the field.

It's amazing to me how successful you can be when you decide to focus on your goals and jobs on the field with passion instead of blaming others for your mistakes.  If you are stuck in blame, worry and struggle why not change your focus to one simple task.

I hope you see the power this message has and you find a way to use in your own training.  It's a different approach to the game that hardly anyone knows about.

It's another great tool for your soccer success toolbox.

Go get em!

Coach Nolan

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are You Hitting Your Training Goals?

This is an important question almost no one asks.

Are you hitting your training goals?

If you are, GREAT, keep doing what you're doing.  If not, then something holding you back needs to be identified and released.

Every coach and trainer promises you will increase your speed, get better ball control, and you'll become a goal scorer.  The worst trainers think it is a long slow process that is hard to learn.

Let's look at 4 different problems that can be blocking you from hitting your goals.

1.  Unclear goals

If you are not crystal clear on what our goal is from the beginning you are going to have a hard time hitting them.  The mind is like the GPS in your car -- if you don't give the specific address, place, or landmark, you could drive for days and never get where you want to go.

And if you do have goals...you must  take the time to write them down.

That one action of writing down your goal is a crucial part of all successful players and people in the world.  It's almost like magic.

2.  Poor training

If you only practice when and what your coach gives you (at practice) you will never develop the confidence and ability you deserve to have.

Ask yourself this -- "If I only do the skills and drills my team does how will I ever separate myself from the pack?"

You won't!

It boils down to your desire to go beyond the status quo, being average, and committing to a progressive training system that shocks you out of your current limiting mindset, and plants the seed of a champions mindset.

3.  Lack of focus

I struggle with this one.  It's not that I can't focus - its that I tend to want to do too much and spread my focus too thin.  We are designed to focus on one thing at a time -- to feed our brain one goal at a time - work hard - accomplish the goal - then set a new goal.

Don't get me wrong - you should have multiple goals but you should also decide which one is most important and serves you best.  Focus on that one and get it done.  Don't be surprised when you do follow this rule that you achieve some of your other goals without ever thinking about it.

4.  Lack of consistency

All of the focus in the world won't help you if you move on to a new task to quickly.

It's called creating the habit of looking for the shiny object.  You get distracted easily and stop doing what's working to try the newest, latest, and greatest thing to hit the market.  

The secret is to find a good solid program that pushes you - a coach/trainer that believes in you, inspires you, challenges you, and helps you stick with it for 3, 6, 12 months.

If you work on these 4 tips during 2013 I'll bet you dollars to donuts you'll hit your training goals and eliminate 90% of the things holding you back.

Now it's time too find out what what is holding you back and what you re made of?

Go ahead- send me an email telling me what you're going to do in 2013.  When you send me an email you and a friend can get a complimentary goal setting consultation and training evaluation.

Play with Passion!

Coach Nolan

PS  I believe when you decide to put in the hard work in a proven system you are practicing the "Right Thinking" leg of my "Training Triangle".  It's the fastest way to develop dribbling quickness, ball control and blistering shots.

2013? The Year you leap over your limitations!

Yes, you're going to go through 2013 with a  BANG!

This will be the year you leapfrog all the limitations that have ever held you back.

The year you say see ya later to doubt, worry, frustration on the soccer field.  The year you take charge of your speed, shooting power, dribbling skill, and confidence on the pitch.

How do I know for sure?

I don't...

The only way I can be sure is if you join the others - the dozens of students who have said YES to becoming more confident and skilled soccer players.

I've been busy working on developing training programs that build ultra confident players that have the ability to rise above their previous bests and perform at their highest potential when the game is on the line.

Recently I've had players say, "You keep me pumped up and confident."
"I feel like I have an advantage over the other teams."
"It's like the game got easier."

Coaches have even approached me and said, "I think the highest compliment I can pay you is I'm going to steal, borrow, use your training drills, ideas, and concepts."

Training with me is easily one of the best ways to boost your son/daughters confidence, eliminate limitations, and develop functional conditioning and skill on the soccer field.

So, why don't you join us?

Even better, team up with a friend and I'll give you a complimentary consultation and training evaluation.  Yep you heard me -- just send me an email with your goals for the next soccer season and I'll schedule you a complimentary consult.

Here's to 2013 -- Your Year!

See you on the field!

Coach Nolan